Wednesday, December 7, 2022 / by Abigail Smith
Technology is constantly changing and improving, sometimes seemingly overnight. It’s not only businesses and various industry leaders taking advantage of technology, homeowners are incorporating it into their lives. Whether you are upgrading old devices and systems or just getting started, here’s some tech you may want in your home.
Outdoor Safety
Even if your front door has a peephole, you may want to install an outdoor security system. Unlike older systems, today’s technology is a breeze to install. Most are simple DIY projects that only take a few minutes.
Cameras on doorbells allow you to see who’s at your door. Some home security systems also connect to an app. You can still keep an eye on the front door while you’re away from home.
Solar lights along walkways illuminate the area. Since the lights are solar-powered, you don’t need an electrician to connect the devices to the home’s power source.
Enter ...
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Wednesday, November 2, 2022 / by Abigail Smith
Tips for Selling Your Home During the Holiday Season
It is common knowledge in the real estate world that the spring months are the best time to market and sell your home. Demand is usually at its highest, buyers understand that the buying and moving in processes often take a few months to complete, and families will want to settle in before the new school year begins. The holiday season might not seem like the ideal time to sell, however there are benefits to selling your home at this time of the year.
Inventory, the number of homes available to buyers, is usually low. Buyers will face more competition for a home, which may command a higher selling price.
If a buyer is “in the market”, you can bet they are serious about purchasing a new home. There will be more serious buyers and less “we’re just looking” people.
When holiday decorations are done with comfy and homey in mind, an emotional connection is easier to establish with potential buye. ...
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Tuesday, October 11, 2022 / by Abigail Smith
Stage A Nursery Or Home Office – Which One Attracts Potential Buyers
Your home is going on the market, and it means getting everything ready for at least one open house. Clutter is put away, and family photos are carefully stored away. Even the kitchen junk drawer is organized for the first time in years. Couch pillows are fluffed, and the home has plenty of curb appeal. All that’s left is to decide what to do with the nursery.
Not every potential buyer needs or wants a nursery. They may see it as a waste of space, finding it difficult to envision the room as anything else. Your nursery can appeal to a smaller group of buyers, primarily those planning on starting families. However, the work industry is changing with more employees working from home.
Staging an office instead of a nursery can help your home appeal to a larger selection of buyers, and it doesn’t take a lot of time or money.
Get Rid of the Clutter
Babies collect an amazing; ...
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charlotterealestatemarket, realestatemarkettoday, zillowhome, newconstrution, buyingfromrickdevine, findinghomevalue, homevaluation, virtualhomeselling, buyers, home owners, new home, new home owners, rickdevine, fallmaintenance, new home buyers, listingyourhome, real estate, charlotte metro, sellers, sellingyourhome, whysellnow, homes for sale in charlotte, listyourhomewithus, selling during the holidays
Thursday, August 18, 2022 / by Abigail Smith
Oftentimes when homeowners upgrade things like appliances, lighting, and internal systems, they leave the improvements behind so that the next single person, couple, or family can enjoy them. What does this mean? It means that prospective home buyers can and will look at the upgrades you’ve implemented. It also means that they may make their purchasing decision based on your home offerings.
As far as upgrades go, you can do just about anything. Purchase a new, expensive refrigerator. Level up your kitchen stove. Make sure the duct work is up to par. Install a new roof right before listing.
But because we live in the 21st century, and because technology is forever growing, we’re going to talk about technological upgrades. What would the next owner of your home like to see once they walk in? Let’s find out.
Smart Thermostats
Smart thermostats allow you to manage your home's temperature directly from an app on your smartphone. They have ad ...
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charlotterealestatemarket, realestatemarkettoday, buyers, home maintenance, home owners, looking for a new home, new home owners, firstimehomebuyers, listingyourhome, real estate, seasonal maintenance