Tuesday, October 11, 2022 / by Abigail Smith
Stage A Nursery Or Home Office – Which One Attracts Potential Buyers
Your home is going on the market, and it means getting everything ready for at least one open house. Clutter is put away, and family photos are carefully stored away. Even the kitchen junk drawer is organized for the first time in years. Couch pillows are fluffed, and the home has plenty of curb appeal. All that’s left is to decide what to do with the nursery.
Not every potential buyer needs or wants a nursery. They may see it as a waste of space, finding it difficult to envision the room as anything else. Your nursery can appeal to a smaller group of buyers, primarily those planning on starting families. However, the work industry is changing with more employees working from home.
Staging an office instead of a nursery can help your home appeal to a larger selection of buyers, and it doesn’t take a lot of time or money.
Get Rid of the Clutter
Babies collect an amazing; ...
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Wednesday, January 20, 2021 / by Jessi Fauber
Buying your first home is equivalent to embarking on a grand adventure. Although extremely thrilling, learning the ins and outs of the process can often seem overwhelming. From determining a budget to obtaining a loan, there are numerous factors to take into consideration along the way. Keep these five tips in mind throughout the journey.
Check your credit score
Your credit score impacts various aspects of your life, especially when it comes to buying a house. It’s a determining factor in being approved for a loan with a low interest rate. Some websites offers free credit reports with monitoring, which can help you catch what may be negatively affecting your score. However, our mortgage brokers, through Movement Mortgage, explain your score in greater detail as well provide you with wasy to improve your credit score if need be!
Be realistic about what you can afford
When setting a budget, it’s important to be realistic. To keep your head out ...
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Friday, January 15, 2021 / by Jessi Fauber
Downloadable PDF Checklist for Your Home Maintenance
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